The gallery is open Saturdays + Sundays 12 - 6 PM and by appointment.

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Essex Flowers front entrance and front gallery are wheelchair accessible. Our back gallery is accessible, with a clearance of 31”. Our bathroom is not wheelchair accessible.


The Tuning House
February 7 - March 8, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, Feburary 7, 6-8pm

The Tuning House is a sound-activated light and sound installation where voice is translated into synthesized sound and color. It is set up in a greenhouse with a chair and a microphone facing a wall of colored light. You are invited to enter the greenhouse to interact with it. As you make sounds into the microphone, the colors and sounds in the installation follow and mimic the pitch of your voice. This allows you to choose the colors and sounds in the installation using your voice. There is the option to listen to through headphones. Vocalizing and humming physically clear the head, and in turn, clears mental chatter. This interaction of vocalizing in The Tuning House is intended to be a private, peaceful, mindful activity. It can be playful and energizing.

Camilla Padgitt-Coles is a multimedia artist (b. 1985, New York, NY) working in real-time physical atmospheres with light, color, and sound. In general, she is interested in highlighting fundamental forces around us and applying these through light and sound in her work. Projects and collaborations she has worked on span contexts of performance, standalone installations, and musical releases. In 2019 she completed a master’s degree in interactive music and art from NYU where The Tuning House was her graduate thesis. Her recent work is examining how and where art and meditation can be combined to create playful experiences through using sensors, data, and inputs to inspire an unpredictability or personalized interactivity for the viewer. The aim is to create a moment of connection, simple and grounding, in the body through the senses.