The gallery is open Saturdays + Sundays 12 - 6 PM and by appointment.

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Guilt Quilt: Yucking My Yum
November 12 - December 11, 2021
Opening Reception: Friday, November 12, 6-8pm

Dana Wood Zinsser, Flirtelizing the Magnolia with the Earfworm Halo, 2021, pen, coffee, watercolor, gloss medium on panel, 24 x 36 inches (detail)

The quilt is a soft, handcrafted object that contains histories. It can swaddle and warm the body, although in Dana Wood Zinsser’s Guilt Quilt: Yucking My Yum, the namesake piece covers over a closet. At the center is a family portrait, flanked by two recumbent figures and panels of gorgonesque heads—mirror selves multiplying at the margins.  As heirloom and apology, it coexists alongside Zinsser’s paintings, which are inhabited by beings whose bodies are both expanded and collapsed by time—they are somehow elderly, middle-aged infant adolescents. As Zinsser says, "they defy gender, embodying the trauma and fury inherent within the queer body. They represent the imprisonment and liberation of the physical self." They are each an answer to a Sphinx’s riddle about beings that do not walk but rather ooze and loll and strain and cry—they seem to have crawled from a garbage pail turned over in the cabbage patch, speaking in puns and rhymes. In their primordial gardens they recall Bakhtin: "There is nothing completed, nothing calm and stable in the bodies… the components [of which] are the changing seasons: sowing, conception, growth, death… two bodies in one: the one giving birth and dying, the other conceived, generated, and born." 


Dana Wood Zinsser (born 1989) is a visual artist and master printer living in New York City. Working primarily in drawing, screen printing and intaglio, Zinsser uses stippling and ink washes to create intricate, abstracted forms. Since graduating from Pratt Institute with a BFA Zinsser has worked in many prominent New York City print shops. They have shown in many group and solo exhibitions in New York and served as a founding curator in the art collective Noodle Beaches for Meeting Witches.