R.M. Fischerfierce pussy
R.M. Fischer has been living and working in New York since the 1970s, and his ever-evolving practice can be described as a process of cannibalization: earlier sculptures, made of old lamps, leather, wood, metal rods, brass, knobs, and other spare parts become the source material for newer bodies of work. Described by Roberta Smith as an “an inveterate tinkerer and bricolagist,” Fischer’s recent objects continue his explorations with anthropomorphic forms, which live between the human and robotic. Fischer’s sculptures evoke a sense of timeless charm and otherworldliness, suggesting simultaneously the past, present, and future.
These sculptures exude a do-it-yourself mentality; equal parts Mad Max and the grit of a New York long since passed. Cumulatively, this presentation emits a soft glow in the buildings, inviting viewers to find the human in the inanimate.

fierce pussy (formed 1991, NYC) is an artist/activist collective advancing a radical queer and feminist position through a variety of interventions in public spaces. For NADA House, fierce pussy facilitates the appearance of the 2019 Transmission, the latest iteration of an ongoing series of letters from the future to the beings of the present. The 2019 Transmission has landed in the form of printed broadsides, available to be taken freely by viewers who happen upon them.