November 28 - December 20, 2020Opening Reception: Saturday, November 28, 12-6pm

Meena Hasan Origin Story: The LobsterRhinoceros (after Dürer) Stop motion animation, 2012.
Animations by Hannah Frank / Trenton Doyle Hancock / Meena Hasan /
Aidan Koch / Ruth Rodriguez / Kiyomi Quinn Taylor
Curated by Sean McCarthy
A cyclops turns its gaze in a full circle. Hills and mountains around an artist’s home in the Mojave Desert appear in a sequence of life drawings. A demon avatar cries out in pain. A lobster turns into a rhinoceros. A woman crushes garlic in homage to her grandmother. An artist and his creation have a symbiotic meeting in the woods.

Hannah Frank Cycloptics Hand drawn animation, 0:01:00, 2012–15

Kiyomi Quinn Taylor Stella Animation, 0:00:16, 2020

Trenton Doyle Hancock Color Crop Digital animation, 0:05:00, Edition of 12 plus 2 artist’s proofs (#1/12), 2019

Aidan Koch A Woman’s Face (it’s spring) Hand drawn animation with sound piece by Caroline Partamian, 0:01:36, 2020

Ruth Rodriguez Majando Ajo Animation, 0:00:58, 2017