curated by TARWUKSunday 2/7/2016 from 3-5 PM
A book launch, performance, and one day installation of works.
Brenna Murphy & Birch Cooper
Christina Leung
Hrvoje Slovenc
Jaakko Pallasvuo
Jesse Greenberg
Jon Kessler
Michael Assiff
With a curatorial performance "Gird Your Loins" by Laura Linda Miller
This is a second iteration of the NVV, a multi-part project started in 2015.
We present 7 modified artist books from the first iteration of the project, NVV_2015*, accompanied by a performance and relaunching of an eBay auction from the NVV_2015.
*In September 2015. 24 very different artist were invited to help form an online eBay exhibition by submitting objects for auction. There were no boundaries set on the price or the nature of the object. It could have been something from artist's practice, everyday life or something that they found inspiring or just plain interesting. The materials were collected into an artist book. Participating artists were:
Aki Sasamoto/ Ali Van / Carol Bove / Davey Hawkins / David Altmejd / David Andrew Tasman / Davor Vrankić / Ema Ema Ema / Hayley A. SIlverman / Jeremy Couillard / Jon Kessler / Laura Linda Miller / Lauren Halsey / Lisi Raskin / Maja Čule / Mario Kolarić / Marko Tadić / Michael Joo / Miles Huston / Sam Dakota Miller / Shahar Yahalom / Yasue Meatake / Žižić&Kožul / Zlatan Vehabović For further information and press requests please contact: tarwuk@gmail.com
With the works of Patrick Brennan's solo exhibition, "Up Against Nature" also on view.