Inside our storefront, and behind closed doors, Essex Flowers will present a series of episodic, durational performance works that transform the physical gallery space but can only be viewed through remote portals.Mariangela Lopez will take over the gallery for 3 days between June 16-26. During this period Lopez will depart from a sensorial recognition of the space as a ritual to surrender into the reciprocal process of transfiguration between her body, her psyche, and the surroundings. The progression will unfold a movement landscape that will accumulate over time. Each day will conclude with a live streaming performance.
Performance dates: 6/19, 6/24 and 6/26 at 7:00 PM
Inverting his performance-produced exhibition Off Season (Halsey McKay Gallery, Winter 2018), David Kennedy Cutler will mind the shop for the month of July. Cutler and his companions will keep regular business hours, viewable via a live-stream embedded in the gallery's website, and daily dispatches will be shared via social media.
Under the parent company of Essex Flower’s Inc, Instagram, Hannah Beerman will present the syndicated television program everyone has been begging for. DogTV ™ is a variety show shot inside the gallery / television station and will also feature guest content. Each one minute episode promises to unleash the beast within you while remotely controlling your animal urges.