The gallery is open Saturdays + Sundays 12 - 6 PM and by appointment.

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Essex Flowers' front entrance and front gallery are wheelchair accessible. Our back gallery is accessible through a side entrance (please speak with the gallery sitter upon arrival). Our bathroom is not wheelchair accessible.


Olde Man
October 12 - November 11, 2018
Opening reception: Friday, October 12, 6-8 pm
Performances on October 27 and November 3, 8pm

A ghost light is an electric light that is left energized on the stage of a theater when the theater is unoccupied and would otherwise be completely dark. It typically consists of an exposed incandescent bulb, CFL lamp, or LED lamp mounted in a wire cage on a portable light stand. It is also thought to guard against the ghosts of past productions cursing the ones of the present.
Using methods of experimental theater, paratheater and trance, Tureen makes work routed through assumed psychological states that is documented in the form of paintings, videos, photography and text.

Olde Man is a presentation of work made in the last 6 years in relation to one character; at the same time documentation, a document, and an exhibition with performances on October 27 and November 3 at 8pm.

This is Rufus’s first solo presentation with Essex Flowers.
Rufus Tureen is an artist living in New York working in Painting and Performance.  He has performed worldwide including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and in Stockholm Sweden and Turku Finland in collaboration with Johan Bergström Hyldahl. In New York he has performed at The Kitchen, Five Myles Gallery, Dixon Place, Essex Flowers and CANADA gallery. He has shown paintings in Barranquilla Colombia, in Portland Maine at Lewis Gallery and in New York at Janet Kurnatowski Gallery and Essex Flowers.  He has a BA in Art Semiotics from Brown University and MFA in Painting from Hunter College.