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help me, help you

07/07/2017 - 07/09/2017
Opening Reception: 07/07, 7-9 PM

Essex Flowers is pleased to present help me help you, a special weekend exhibition by TARWUK.

TARWUK (Bruno Pogacnik Wukodrakula and Ivana Vuksic) is a collaborative duo based in New York. Their practice is family-based, collaborative and interdisciplinary. Through extending their collaboration to their family members, they create a complex system of generating meaning and materialize information into objects.

čiko !!! how are you?????
JUN 14TH, 8:18 AM

I was in a fucking black chronicle because of the desecration of the cemetery. Hajmo co-operated

If only he knew if he could possibly have been alive by creating these nonsense then he would only fuck at that time. I'm sorry I did it to people but I also do not think it was necessary to publish a full name. Pure for other people if not because of me. And I have to do some resistance to it, the meaninglessness of that and that, without fear and these things. I can not cuddle now for the sake of it. This is the organized mafia, I can not count on the possibility that somebody will eventually kill me. But I can not overlook that now just because of it I can not imagine anything in life. Because I have the same arm in black and I think my eyes are in some colors and I'm mentally mentally tired of it, I can not divert these nonsense. And I have to do with those creations I have produced to people knowing that it was not from some ordinary pleasure what to do in some way but would not do that I was not drunk and in the fucking sedatives, it was overwhelmingly going there and spontaneously He started doing it, and the music made me forget about it too. I admitted when I came or was invited to the police immediately because I did not think they could announce their name, it was too cruel to me. It means that I was honored by some honor, the grasshopper was blah blah. And now. How to do it. To what extent to suppose. Somehow the most ridiculous thing seems to create some nonsense to say the least and at the same time as much as possible. I have to be frank about giving any stance in this regard directly, I mean I must define myself what does it mean to have respect for it? Or that fucking who lil b overwhelm it all, it's hard when you can not express your sincere opinion about it, and my opinion is that it hurts my dick for that cemetery, but again I know it's not right but I was really fiercely dehiscent by chance. And that hatred of people, etc., would love to know that no one will ever kill me and that I can express myself as I wish. I do not have to think that everybody walks out what I'm about to do with someone or not. And it is the same thing that I believe that society can shape, that is, I am someone who changes and shapes the vision of reality and what is the reason and what is not. I do not know jbt. It is not possible that I just have to stop forever and that is a fucking life sentence. Too much nonsense. And no fucking answer !! That's why we have to respect the dead? And that judge has a 100% conviction that this is a rule that must be followed and someone who does not work that he needs to crush it. It is cruel to God to do it all, to think about all the circumstances around and who I was and what I was doing, etc. too cruel. Abnormal harmony. So i see it. And I want to express that I think it is true, not some self-serving bias is already objectively bad for everything. And now the others have to agree with me. But if I do it, then the first killer will be the first corrupt people or mafia and the other people who are against me and me. But I also have to say that neutrality is the same attitude that can be taken in relation to all this, only the neutrality I ask of people. Or could you make some experimental raw black metal project with totally rewarding content and you face the fears totally and bring yourself in danger with this ??? It's interesting !!! But I'm a moral guy and I do not mind what I did. And it was not. But i do ... I have to get away from all the distant and hateful messages of hate and gnju doing exactly what i do not need, and the ultimate goal is to kill me as well as people killing each other, for example, killing me or killing me or me , All over the boundary of every taste and that ... you would love to work ... but who would be a drummer? I have to be inclined to give you everything and do it right

I would love to somehow gather people who will breed or what is right for the more creative ways of doing things and doing things, the pursuit of god and the dead, the totalitarian fanaticism