January 4 - February 2, 2020Opening Reception: Saturday, January 4, 6-8PM

I am the CEO taking a call in Starbucks, but in my heart I feel like the moment when Romeo realizes Juliet is actually dead. On a first impression, you might assume I’m not a hugger. I speak like the teacher checking Ferris Bueller’s attendance, and in love I am seeking a friend with benefits for life. I have been described as having big dick energy. I am Three-Legged Race.
Karen Azoulay / Melissa Brown / Rachel Domm / Jonathan Ehrenberg / Kevin Ford / Lydia McCarthy / Sean McCarthy / Monica Palma / Janine Polak / Virgina Poundstone / Rufus Tureen / Linnea Vedder
Essex Flowers: Waiting to Be Activated by Zach Seeger in Two Coats of Paint

Janine Polak

Jonathan Ehrenberg

Karen Azoulay

Monica Palma

Rufus Tureen